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Don't Give Up!
If it’s any conciliation, my heads were completely rebuilt this week at a last minutes notice. We were overnighting parts, driving directly to the source for unusual weird stuff, working late last night, friends asking favors of friends, machine shop working all this week and the entire day yesterday just on my heads. And the motor is still not back together. Also, we are not 100% positive we got the main root problem but we have and are giving it absolute hell trying. I am dealing with some really strange stuff here. Hopefully we’re going to light it this afternoon and see what we have. Keep your fingers crossed.
Getting to the Bash has temporarily consumed my everyday working life not to mention putting my cobra-kitty very deep in the red. I’d say I’m a little out of control at the moment with this thing.
There are others out there that are dealing with complete motor assemblies, and last minute “I just have to get this fixed or finished for the Bash” issues as well. A few of these guys walked into the shop yesterday picking up their motors which they’ll install this weekend. I know there are folks coming who are working into the wee hours of the morning, and probably right to the 12th hour and last minute of the Bash in order to participate.
The point is, you’re not alone out here in “problem-world” and there are 5 to 6 entire days until the Bash. That is actually a world of time to get your car ready. If there is any way you can pull it together and get your car ready, I think you’ll be glad you did. I really think this year is going to blow the top off for folks and we would hate to see any of you miss out.
I hope this reads as encouragement and support and gives you some positive perspective on your situation.
Hope you can pull it together!
NASA - Instructor - 2012 TTA Champion - We Drive Harder!