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Old 05-13-2006, 12:13 PM
RichMusson RichMusson is offline
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Default An Alternative Route to London

Hey everybody,

Now that winter has returned; I find myself dreaming of warmer weather and being able to point my car toward the sun taking a nice long drive. You know --- the thoughts of better days.

That brings me to the London Car Show. As everyone is well aware the WCCC tradition is to meet for breakfast in Merrillville and caravan to Hilliard. The plan is to leave Merrillville at 10:00am. It’s about 325+/- miles or so -- 5 hours driving time is about right assuming no major traffic delays. There is also an hour time change and at least 2 gas stops. A large a group requires ½ to ¾ of an hour to gas-up, go to the washroom and get drinks etc.
The total travel time will be around 7+/- or so hours. That puts us into Hilliard at around 5 to 6 local time. That’s fine and is just about perfect to make plans for dinner, etc.
My problem is getting out of the city with all the construction. There is no way for me to avoid the Dan Ryan and there is little hope I can get my co-pilot up in time to make it to breakfast. So, I am probably going to break with tradition.

Here is the alternative I am considering. I will work ½ day on Wednesday and get out of the city before rush hour on the 21st. I would drive 3 to 4 hours and stay over night just beyond Indianapolis. The plan for Thursday is to drive the hour or so Wright-Patterson AFB and visit the Air Force Museum. Later that day I would hope to meet-up with the caravan as it passes Dayton and drive on into Hilliard with the group.
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