Alright. For all those who are interested I've figured what happened.
The rocker arm for the intake on cyl. 4 broke. Actually, the adjustment nut for the rocker arm (solid lift) broke into 3 pieces. I remember reading (recently) about a couple of other members that experience this part coming loose and falling off.
The allan head set screw that holds the nut in place was free to bounce around and clogged the rear
oil return. The pass. side valve cover must have filled with
oil starving my engine resulting in low-to-no
oil pressure.
Anyway, now that STUPID set screw is stuck clogging my rear oil return. No. A coat hanger is not strong enough to poke it out. Been there done that.
BTW. Motor oil tastes like SH!T. I had a drop drip into my mouth when I was under the car trying to poke out that STUPID set screw.
Off for some mexican martinis to prime myself for Indy tomorrow!!!!