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Old 05-26-2006, 06:03 AM
What'saCobra? What'saCobra? is offline
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Default manny-fold

Thanks for that. Makes more sense to these eyes. That SBF certainly doesn't want to suck on a set of 58's, so the step-down to 40's or so makes sense. Maybe the 40's are OK for the street, but for a racer-X they might be too small, inaddition to my other comments above. Was this intake really for SBF's or are they adapted from the MT SBC manifolds? i have forgotten if MT made them for the SBF and seem to think they didn't.

Those are just beautiful artseyfartsey bits! They are the cat's asymptote. AND they clear the tall rocker boxes nicely. Who, where and how much, if you will?
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George Washington