We are now starting to enter the hot Summer weather with temperatures in the 90s and humidity that makes it seem as if they are in the 100s already. There is a get together of car people June 9th at the Outback Steak House and if I don't change my mind I think I will take the 69 Cobra up there that evening. Just a lot of car guys, a band, and of course eats. No plaques, so no competition to vote for my car. Just fun, talking and lying to each other. I may take a drive up to Lassen Park soon. that is only about 70 miles and some very good roads and scenery. I think they finally got the road through the park open as they were having problems as the snow blowers couldn't blow the snow over the banks it was so deep so they had to haul a lot of it out. I may also go over to the Weaverville show as I enjoy that drive and like to talk to the guys who have gold dredges in the river. So many great places to go and so short of a time to do it. It would be more fun if I had someone to go with me, but no one around here will go for drives at all any more.