Originally Posted by strictlypersonl
If your front pin-drives use adapters on a standard bolt-on hub, the the caps are not needed. The ERA 6-pin system's one-piece hubs need them. I haven't seen a rear design that needed 'em.
I think what he means Brent, is if you are running a real 6 pin setup (like CSXs, KMPs, ERAs 6 pin, etc), then you need them. If you are using the Trigo 5 lug adpaters, then you don't. For your KMP, you need them on the front, but not the rear (just like original cars).
Sal Mennella
CSX 4241, KMP 357 - sold and missed, CSX 4819 - cancelled, FFR 5132 - sold
See my car at CSXinfo.net here >> CSX 4241