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Unless you check that you've got a 'thick' 406 block, boring it 0.100" over is a push to make the 427 bore. Sonic testing would validate just how much you've got to work with in that regard. I'd recommend just going the 0.030" over route on the bore and making a stroker motor out of what you have. With a 428 crankshaft, you've got a 433 CID and if using the SCAT 4.250" stroke crank, you've got 462 CID. The older rods have been around long enough now to be heavily fatigued and I'd also recommend upgrading to new rods. My personal preference is to use new H-Beam rods if only to just to get the old rods out of the engine. When balancing, just specify internal balance in order to keep flywheel hassles down the road out of the picture.
Like some of the other comments, your machine shop should guide you on some of the other options available to you.
Good luck.
Ted Eaton.
Fe's are fast but "Y-Blocks" are fun when they run in the 9.60's at 135 mph.