NJ has what they refer to as collector status registration used mainly by people with kit cars, street rods and the like. This form of registration requires nothing more than a working odometer, general road worthiness and a mileage limitation of 3000 per year. (no emissions)
NJ also has antique status plates for cars that are 25 years or older. These plates are designated as "QQ" plates. This is largely for true OEM type cars. These vehicles too are waived on emissions and "the mormal" inspection.
Specific to my Cobra, NJ recognizes it as a 2005 ( the year in which the construction was completed). I know other states let you title the car under the year in which it replicates or by the year of the motor, but not NJ.
So even though my car may a '65 block, in NJ it is relatively worthless on a cobra replica as NJ makes you adhere to safety standards of the year it was completed. So even though the '65 motor would get you around emissions in NJ, it is only half of the equation. Still have those pesky modern day safety requirements to contend with.
So here is how we arrive back at collector registration and a mile restriction of 3000 per year.
Fun huh