Some suggestions for places to gather, Looking at the track map here The area near 3A (near the Sargento Bridge) is a pretty good bet for access to the paddock, open space, and there is some shade near by. You have walking distance access to turn 3 and to view turn 8 and the carousel.
It would be a straight shot in from gate 4 (easy to find) and there is food and beverage stands at turn three and in the Carousel Campground.
Another good place where there is good viewing and an area you could stake out is near the Toyota Bridge on the inside of turn 5 & 6. There is a big hill looking down on 5, easy access to 6 and 7. It doesn't have as good a paddock access or as good a shade (there is shade, but not where you can easily view the action).
Personally I tend to park my stuff with a group of regulars on the inside of turn 6 and work from there.