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The 8.71 is not a practical choice for mounting with the GMC stock housing and endplates--the ones you see in Jegs/Summit and other places have a housing copied from my work with Donovan/Van Luven in early 70's to lengthen the 6.71 housing for the 3/4 longer rotors--the end plates and bearings from the 6 71 type worked so we only had to make a housing--this sorta finally happened because of the Nixon days when gas went above $.30 and shortages were everywhere--there were no stock GMC housings available ( Van Luven said they were the best) and Donovan was going to make his own--I persuaded him to make his patterns a little longer so they could be used for both blowers as I knew that Van had hid a new 8.71 at Isky when he worked there--I convinced Isky to sell it to me( just the rotors) and Van Luven built the blower like a 6.71 , we had to space the crank hub and idler mount 3/8 in forward to center the blower and still clear the magneto on the rear.
Your blower looks pretty tired and used up -- for the $$$ needed to fix it you probably should just recycle the aluminum
After the chance to tell a story about the old days, I'm sorry to have to say that--
PS--I agree that with a big block, a person certainly doesn't need a gmc type blower on a Cobra