Originally Posted by BossCER
Well done Bud. Classy ride.
I recently sold Excelsior-Henderson #977 and am beginning to miss her. Thinking about a replacement already.
Thanks for the compliment. I'm a big Steve McQueen fan and this bike just says "Steve McQueen coolness" to me everytime I look at it. What cracks me up is this thing brings out the questions like the Cobra does. Not so much in the way people will scream and "whoooo" at ya when you're in a Cobra, but strangers will come up and ask, "what
year is it?" - "I use to have one, my uncle had one, my old girlfriend's brother had one ..."
Oh - have to admit, I had to look up a Excelsior-Henderson. Never heard of one, but I read the back story on them from their Registry site. Definitely a smooth ride that puts you out of the mainstream brand names.