Hi Bernie,
Thanks for the link to Cadel's site. The links off the "barbie" were cool. Your Mustang still looks good.
By the way, as I said before, GREAT job on your first race. Second place is no small feat and pretty amazing for a newcomer such as yourself. Tactics and situational awareness are something that only experience can teach. It will come with time.
Have you also noticed how much a good long ride curbs your appetite? I think that it's the endorphins or something. You get a double hit on weight loss with exercise and eating less.
Of course, if you look at what the guys like Cadel eat each day on the Tour, it blows your mind to think that on average they lose about 20 pounds during the three weeks. Shows how much effort they have to put into it.
Just out of curiosity, what is that red vehicle on page two of your gallery with the McDonald's logo? Surely they don't do home deliveries "down under" the way we do pizzas here in the States?
Drive and ride in safety!