Originally Posted by JWheaton
Everyone must remember the Gumball rally. (the first and only one with Fonda and Raul Julia)
Ever since that movie I have wanted a Cobra. I was probably about 10 when I saw that movie for the first time. Now I am 35 and have been researching Cobras for about 3 years. I found this sight and realized that I know nothing after reading all the messages posted here. Oh well. I am on the research trail and have narrowed manufacturesers down to Unique, ERA and RUCC. If I was going to just race I would look very closely at JBL. I have been in touch with Kirkham and I am thinking of blowing the budget real quickly.
Interesting reading all the early threads. Somewhat like looking back at an old high school yearbook. I am now 41 and life has changed tremendously since this post. Wife, kids, relocations, house and yes...finally my very own Cobra. Not built, as I had wanted to do, but when the wife says buy one.....it is always best to act quickly to the one who "must be obeyed".
Learned a lot about the people and have met some funny, knowledgeable, friendly people. Do you think it is wrong to start the car up at 11:30 at night? That is what I would like to do.