Originally Posted by 1985 CCX
Hurricane or TTR,
If either of you could produce an FIA with tube frame and IRS you would be stand alone in the FIA crowd. Only SAI and KMS do this at this point. I did hear that Premier does but they are impossible to reach. At least via email....
Detail of the body must be high, one step further would be the Slabside front fenders and std FIA rear. Just like ealy race cars! Not even ERA does that due to suspension and widths of jigs.
Keep us all in the loop..........
Just FYI - Last time I was by their shop, Premier did not have an FIA body nor plans to do one.
And when you say "tube frame", I am assuming you mean round tube? Because technically both ERA and Unique's FIA's have tube frames (albeit square) and offer IRS. IMHO, the round tube frame doesn't add that much in terms of accuracy to the FIA once you pop the hood and see coil spring suspension.