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07-07-2006, 06:05 PM
Beam Me Up Scottie
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Squantum (part of Quincy), MA
Cobra Make, Engine: SPF1049 Titanium w/black stripes, 351W with Trick Flow Heads, Tremec 3550
Posts: 7,592
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Just got back from a cruise night with about 300 cars ....
temp only 71 ºF
. Brrrrrrrrrr.
What a nice night for a ride. Its now 9 PM. Guess I'll get a bite to eat and then go back out for a midnight run to nowhere. Life is goood when the Mt Shasta goddess is frying the a$$ off people in Kalifornicatia.
Life is great
Then I have to go to my last 4th July BBQ tomorrow. Forecast is for sunny skies with high temp of 79 ºF. Oh the trials and tribulations of using the Cobra too much. Its no longer NEW. It just passed 10K on the odometer tonight
A guy in a brand new Mercedes conv rolled up to me at a stop light and said "Do you want to sell it?" I said "Sure, its just XXXX dollars, or trade heads up for the Mercedes!" The XXX was 10K more than I paid 2 years ago. He declined, so I guess I'm stuck with a
'Liberals are maggots upon the life of this planet and need to get off at the next rotation.' (Jamo 2008)
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