Originally Posted by greg schroeder
It takes more energy to make ethanol than the energy it produces. Do a search on the net. It's pretty funny.
I was reading another funny article which illustrated if our cars all ran on 90% ethanol the entire US would need to be covered with corn fields to support the ethanol used. We'd have nowhere to live. Worse yet they would need to import oil to make the ethanol. LOL
Here's on article
While ethanol isn't a cure-all for our energy woes, I believe if you read the entire article referenced, they take in the entire costs of raising the corn, running the tractors, buying the tractors, etc. While at first this seems appropriate, ethanol isn't the only thing they get from the corn, nor is it the only thing the tractors are used for. There is a mash left from ethanol production that is fed to cattle, among other things. Isn't it fair for the costs involved in raising the corn to be applied to everything the corn is used for and not just the ethanol? That being said, there are other crops that will produce more ethanol per dollar spent in the future such as switchgrass and sugar cane, but aren't yet ready for production. Be patient, it's just a start.
My 2 cents...