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Guys, I still haven't resolved this. It still feels like a bowling ball is loose in the trunk.
It is a loud clunk (like someone hitting the frame with a hammer) that occurs just under braking (and when you stop braking). It also occurs if you stop fully (the forward clunk) and then when you go again (clunking back the other way) m a complete stop. It is like something is transferring weight forward (clunk) and then back when I leave the stop sign (clunk).
The car does not clunk under acceleration or deceleration with the throttle.
I checked everything underneath. Nothing is rubbing, all bolts are tight. I didn't check the driveshaft to rear end connection, not even sure what to check there. There is some play in the CV joints and the rear end, but it doesn't seem excessive. A few thousanths in those components is quite a bit at the wheel...
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Last edited by cdog; 07-17-2006 at 12:00 AM..