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My Arntz has a '69 engine in it and I had do the smog test thing every two years from 1986 until 2002. Some years it went through easy, some years it was a VERY LARGE AND EXPENSIVE PAIN! In 2001, (I think) the rules changed and all cars had to have a bar code label. The smog machine could not accept a number entered on the keyboard, it would ONLY accept the bar code scanner input. So, I had to jump through a bunch of hoops to get a new sticker with a bar code.
I believe that Senate Bill 1578 passed in 2002. This made it possible to re-register SPCNS cars under SB100 rules. I was there bright and early on the first day with the printed version of the SB1578 and worked with the great guy at the Van Nuys DMV (Mark) to get my car re-titled as a 1965 body style. I then went to the Pierce College referee station and passed the smog test for the last time and got a new sticker. It's still officialy a 1986 SPCNS car, but no longer needs the bi-annual smog test. WHAT A RELIEF!
You can do the same, or not,
"It doesn't have anything on it that doesn't make it go faster."
Last edited by RallySnake; 07-18-2006 at 10:20 AM..