Well, in the midst of my original quick post, I failed to mention a couple things. I ordered the chassis in raw steel as I was planning to paint it- in fact, the POR-15 was here in the garage waiting for the chassis. I also at the last minute ordered only the front shocks and coil overs. When I got to the show, I noticed it was powdercoated black and had all four shocks on it. I figured the rear shocks would come off once we loaded it onto our trailer, but was wondering why it was black. I guess the powdercoating was a mistake, but Im glad it worked out that way. The shocks, Dana told me he'd just leave them on there and add it to my next bill. Awesome!
Since then I have looked and flipped through the manual a few times to familiarize myself with the build in general, and I have done a little painting. I removed the spindles, rotors, and caliper adapter plates and painted them with the POR-15. The rotors are painted in the center just to avoid rusting. I also took the steering rack off and polished the center section along with the brake lines, and then clear coated them with Glisten-PC...awesome stuff!
I am ready to start the back brakes, but they are on backorder so im trying to find something to do to pass the time. LOL
I take the new axles out of the box and slide them into the housing to see how they fit. After a slightly confusing moment regarding the spacers and axle bearings, I notice that when the axle is spun, the opposite side spins the same way! I start thinking that will save a few bucks, then we decided to check the gear ratio...it is under 3.5, so im assuming it has either 3.40 or 3.45 gears! I was originally thinking of maybe 3.71's or something, but it's close enough right now that it's not really worth spending the cash- plus a top loader is sounding pretty good too!
Well, thats about all I have got done so far, but its all in fun.