A while back, the dba had to be 86dba, (VIC) then I took it to another guy and he wanted it at 87dba so for the extra 1 dba I went with him, now this some time back.
Recently I had the car go thru Inklman’s and the car came in at (with the side pipes) 82dba, at this point the car was almost stalling from the pressure. Due to the new regs, I wasn’t going to be stuffed around with having to put the car thru again with only a few weeks before the new ADR’s rules.
But that car had cats, 1 x 18” resonator, muffler, 2 x small hot dogs and a heap of bends.
I spoke Doug Pearce a few weeks ago about tying to put cobras thru with the side pipes, and he was nocked back the day before (I think it was a Nell) due to heat issues, as we spoke the issue seemed to me that he was trying to get it resolved by having a spare under slung system that would modify this unit to suit each different car??.
Now the way I see it is, if I had to have a car with the 4” – 5” ground clearance then have a 2 – 3 inches for the pipes plus the mountings plus all the work to the suspension to gain the extra clearance, that to me seems like a hell of a lot of work, to make the car sit so hi up, and then get it down to level that looks right.
The car that went thru last year had 4 ˝” ground clearance, we had put the covers over the pipes, with heat wrap, on the inside and on the pipes that reduced the heat and the pipes were ceramic coated. Now the owner can have a car with legal pipes or take the pipe sleaves of and run them out the side with the cats remaining, not ADR but at least EPA legal (and a $10,000 fine) now this isn’t a sales pitch, but if was building a car and wanted pipes the most logical way would be to build something that was universal.
If you wanted to build something cheep and do the job, a 3” bend from the car, step it up to a 4” then put your cat and hot dog in, then back down to a 2 ˝” and then back under the car and out the back. If you guys got together and built 1 set you all could lend it for a small fee and the system would pay for its self in the first year, and save a heap of headaches. That my big spill