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Old 07-24-2006, 01:30 PM
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You can see my car and it's details in the for sale section of this sight titled Kirkham for sale.
As far as the Gt40 forum I am new to that as I recently decided to sell my car and BUILD a GT40.

I'm not going to go back and read every post you've written here or there to understand your point on this thread. I was stating it sounded like you had an agenda in your post that started this thread and couldn't tell what that agenda is.
You stated that GT40's and Cobras are not a beginners build. I think many here feel otherwise. I built my car and have helped others and don't find them to be complicated or difficult. If a first timer needs some guidance there are many sources such as this site to solicit help from. As you stated that is what they are for.

Again if your intent was to solicit feelings on build vs. buy then great discuss that all you want and you will get many opinions. To me that didn't seem to be your intent.
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