You know it may have ruined everything by me even knowing of the "Flashlight Ceremony". But since I haven't actually seen it, we could still be ok!
Tom's gotten real quiet all of a sudden, so I think we might be close. It looks almost ready to fire up to me, but Tom won't say. He must be waiting for that last magical ingredient like, an eye of newt or a piece of unicorn horn, to arrive.
And then when the time is right, and the moon is in just the right phase, in the dark of night, by the light of the magic flashlight, he will bring her to life!
Could be very soon, I think I should be able 'feel it' when it actually happens.
"My name is Tommy.
And I became aware this year.
See me.
Feel me.
Touch me.
Heal me.
Listening to you,
I get the music.
Gazing at you,
I get the heat.
Following you,
I climb the mountains.
I get excitement at your feet."
Tommy......The Who 1969!