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Old 07-25-2006, 09:53 AM
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Cobra Make, Engine: Shelby American CSX 4241 - authentically built
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Looks like I'm not out of the water yet....

Pulled the slave apart yesterday, and sure enough, the seal was split in half. The bore was pretty corroded up too. Picked up a new one this morning and put it in. Bled the system out, and it's exactly the same, just with no leaks. So looks like the master is bad too. Might have got hyperextended or something when the slave seal split.

So yesterday when I thought the master was bad, I called Billy at HRE to see where to get a new one. He said I any speed shop will have one, I just need a 3/4 bore Afco torpedo. So I call Afco to see if I can get it direct, or get a close distributor. The guy there says "call Capitol Speed in MA, they stock them". Ok, great. I give them a call, and tell them I need a 3/4 bore Afco torpedo master. After the slave didn't solve the problem, I go get the box from Capitol speed which had just arrived from UPS. Open it up... it's a 7/8 bore standard style with built in resiviour. Wonderful. Call up the Capitol Speed and I'm told they never stocked or sold the 3/4 torpedo.

So now I am back to needing a master. At least I know the slave is new now, and the old slave WAS bad. But I still am not getting enough throw action to release the clutch. I adjusted the slave to fork rod to preload the fork a little to move me closer to the release point, but that's not healthy for the car, so it's just so I can still move it around.

Guess I'll have to get the Wilwood version? Also, could I go up to a 7/8 bore, or should I stick with the 3/4?
Sal Mennella
CSX 4241, KMP 357 - sold and missed, CSX 4819 - cancelled, FFR 5132 - sold

See my car at here >> CSX 4241
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