tru, isn't your best driving weather coming up?? Wouldn't August & September be perfect?? I'm sorry to hear you're putting her up!
thank goodness Brent knew what I was talking about!!!
Yes, Brent, I ran the 3 spyware thingys I have, and it came up with a lot of junk! I have to do that everytime my boys get on this computer.
I showed #2 all the stuff, and he was amazed. Once I ran the adware removals, the hot links left.... thanks for the 'verification' that I'm NOT crazy!
Lots to do today! Up to school for a project I got asked to help with yesterday. Actually, I think I'm taking care of 4 things while I'm up there.
I'm excited for Peter! They should be gathering in the base area in a while to go over all their supplies. Get a bunch more stuff to carry for 60 miles, then heading out later! I hope there isn't any lightning!