We're putting the cobra up for other reasons. We have college bills that are cutting into buying parts to improve the car.
As it is, I should get new rubber for the front. the tires that are on the front are not able to handle 110 to 145 MPH speeds, the car gets squirrely at 90 and I would like to rebalance the front with new rubber.
There seems to be a balance problem at two harmonics that has progressed since my last run to northern Michigan. As most know, I designed the car for a T56 trans, and had changed jobs when the trans was being purchased, hence, I fitted a Big I/O Toploader instead of the T56 for money reasons. So, there are issues with cruising.
So, I want to refit the car with the trans I design the car for. That is expensive and I have plans.
So, I feel I will store the car and get parts to refit the car and make it more of what I want it to be.
Thanks for everyone, and I mean everyone, who has suppored our effort to be on the road. But, I plan to visit Kristen the first week of November and I plan to finish at least one if not two of the projects my wife wants.
I'm good with putting the car up for this year.