Im sorry you feel that way Turn Ten. Actually I'm very surprised of such negitive response. Is your comment a example of what is to come regarding your company? Somthing to hide? These are the questions that a open blog will uncover. Anything goes! You will also have a chance to responde and defend your company in the Blog. It will be a source of feedback like EBAY. You buy things based on the feedback from the seller.
As I mentioned this is a Idea. I wish to maintain by the rules of this forum so please don't turn this thread into a debate. I used your response as a example of what type of question a potential customer may want a anserws to. Actually I think a company would welcome this blog if everything is on the up and up. It is basically another research platform for a customer to base there purchase.
Sorry I don't know who meat is. Or if he had the same idea.
Last edited by oliver350; 07-27-2006 at 11:09 AM..