Originally Posted by oliver350
Thanks for your response Turn TEN. You a perfect canidate for the blog! One thing I have realized. You must like the Idea since you have read everything I threaded ever threaded.I asked not to turn it into a debate and you have. This is not the Place. And finally by your 2 threads I would not recommend you for the customer service award. Robert Logan from the former RF had a $500,000.00 worth of freinds until he ran off and spent the money.
JAMA ! Thanks for the help. Since stated ANTHING! You can make the first donation...Thanks!!! Just send it to my Paypall Account.
Now that this thread is unlocked, allow me to respond.
" And finally by your 2 threads I would not recommend you for the customer service award."
You are not a customer of ours so that statement has not merit. What does your idea for the Blog and my opinion of it have to do with customer service? You are an angry little man who wants to bring a fight to a new place and if someone does not agree with you then you slander them. Comparing me to RF was also stupid and childish and again seems to be based in paranoid delusion. Start basing your comments on facts when you say something about someone or their company. Now for a lessen in law as it is in the real world. If you mention my company in a bias way not based on fact, here or in your blog, I'll sue your ass off. I hope we understand one another.
I do not understand why this troll is not banned and this thread locked.