Originally Posted by Bob In Ct
The bore and stroke of the 5 liter is 4X3. It comes out to 302 cubic inches.
The bore and stroke of a Windsor engine is 4X3.5 (which is the same as the 60s FE). It comes out to 352 cubic inches. I presume Ford chose to call it a 351 to avoid confusion with the old 352 FE engine.
The bore and stroke of the 427 calculates out to 425 cubic inches. I've always wondered why Ford chose to call it a 427.
4"x3"x3.14159=301.59624 cubic inches x 0.016387064 (liter/cu in) = 4.9422179 liters. The accepted reference to the 302 then, in liters, should be 4.9l, not 5.0l, especially from a company that already has a 4.6l V-8 else they could have called the 4.6l a 5.0l and made a lot of people happy.
It is all marketing and they can call virtually anything anything. Chrysler can call the overweight bloated Challenger concept a "Pony Car" even though it is based on a full-sized frame and design.
I think there was already a 425 (Oldsmobile?), a 426 (mopar) and Ford just wanted something close to differentiate the engine. Is a Ford 428 or Ford 429 really?