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Old 08-03-2006, 06:15 PM
OhBuoy OhBuoy is offline
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I would like to introduce the newest WCCC member, Tommy Boyce. Tommy was born on Tuesday August 1st at 8:30pm in Cincinnati, Ohio. Some of you may already know that Tommy's path into this world has been one with many twists and turns. The fact that Tommy is with us today is truly a miracle! Almost 12 weeks ago, we were told that our baby had no chance of survival outside of the uterus. A second and third opinion revealed a different diagnosis with the same fatal prognosis. Maggie's determination led her to Cincinnati Children's Hospital to receive a different diagnosis, but with other complications, did not paint a much better picture. We had a hard decision to make as to wether to try heroic measures and be faced with many unknowns or to ensure that the baby was as comfortable as possible for the very few moments that it would live outside of it's mother. Well, against many odds, Maggie remained pregnant. Two weeks ago, we saw the baby blink on an ultrasound, which was a promising, but not sure sign with regards to one of the syndromes that we were potentially facing. The next week, an ultrasound revealed that one of the complications was starting to resolve itself. We were told that this could occur in 1/3 of the cases and that this should have occured by week 28, which we were three weeks past. Even if the child was one of the 1/3 cases where it resolves itself, it would be left with a critical airway and without proper care would die outside of the uterus. Maggies research led her to Cincinnati, where that special care exists. The doctor told us in disbeleif that this had occured and suggested if we were up to it, she would suggest a return trip to Cincinnati for a followup. Since Maggie was still pregnant earlier in the week, she scheduled an appointment already, and her alterior motive for this doctors visit was to get clearence to travel, well, she got it. In Cincinatti last Friday, they confirmed that the Hydrops was resolving itself through a small perforation in the mass that was obstructing the airway. All else looked well, and they suggested that we go home, return on the following Thursday for a consult and let Maggie cook for another two weeks. Well, Tommy had other plans and Maggie's water broke at 1:30am on Tuesday August 1st. We went to Loyola, knowing that if nothing could be done, we would be facing a still birth. Cincinatti had the doctors at Loyola check Maggie out for a medical transport. We were taken to Midway, met by a Leer jet and flown to Cincinnati. The situation became urgent and we went into surgery that night. The baby was born at around 8:30, and both baby and Maggie are doing fine. The baby has a trachea tube and is 6 weeks premature, but is doing well. There are no signs of other major issues. There are some other minor birth defects, but we have been chosen to deal with those and will.

Our brothers in Ohio have an amazing hospital up there. I would like to thank some of those brothers up there for some generous offers. So far, I have not been able to or needed to take them up on them.

I am probably not going to be seeing to many events this year. Depending upon what the future holds, there could be a Yellow Cobra up for sale, but we will hold out on that one for a while.

This baby is definately a work of God. He gave Maggie the strength and stubborness to get through this. He gave this child to a mother that would do the right thing in the end. He gave Maggie and I the strength to get through this as difficult as it has been. He guided us in some of our decisions. When his signs were not clear enough, he smacked us upside the head and said, is this clear enough for you two knuckleheads??? He put together a beautiful boy he fooled everyone. He gave the doctors in Cincy the knowledge to orchestrate this little miracle. Through one of his signs, he made this baby much healthier than it was originally thought to be, which was just the nudge that we needed.
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