I ened up going with Factory Five for the diversity of the build that they offered; drive train, brakes, engines, etc. I also didn't use donor parts, it was all new stuff, but it allowed me to plan my build and I wasn't restricted. As for original look, heck, I didn't really care, I have a wood veneer dash and I like to look of the FFR. As for the body, it is a rough fiberglass body. FF roadsters/cobras are affordable, buy you may have to put in the effort to get them to look they way you want. I fit my doors, trunk, and hood, finished all the edges, and sanded down the body/mold seams, then had my painter take it from there. I only paid $3k for my painter, but at the three shows I have been to, I have had, by far, one of the best paint/body jobs. Granted, my painter would probably charge $4-5k for the next job. It really all depends on the builder, how much time you want to spend on certain parts of the build, etc. Virtually any Cobra replica can be a show winner or a beautiful daily driver, but they can also look thrown together. It depends on the builder.