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Old 08-06-2006, 10:58 PM
TNL-RacerKen TNL-RacerKen is offline
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Default Cobra Bash Feedback/Idea's for '07

Well from an instructors perspective, the key part of the event was everyone left with their cars in the shape they arrived. That is one of the best things you can walk away with from a trackday. All to often I have seen that ruin a perfect weekend.

I've worked with countless clubs, and everyone was above and beyond friendly. The atmosphere your club brings is top-notch. It was a pleasure to work with everyone.

I wouldn't necessarily limit the number of track day participants, but perhaps adding another group, and reducing the number of cars in each group.

This will reduce the congestion which happened and I think for some detracted a bit from the enjoyment of going on a racetrack. It may cut a little but of track time down, but in the end the time will be more rewarding. This way a large number of your club can partake in the enjoyment of a track day.

Also if people want to, I am sure additional track time with personal instruction from TNL instructors can be arranged prior to or after next years bash, for those interested in doing more, and getting more in-depth instruction. I think making this part of the initial sign-up page for the trackday could be something for those who want a different experience. Options are good :-) This year we had a few people who did this, but I don't think many knew of this until they had cemeted in their plans, and could take advantage of it.


Here's a link of my toycar arriving for raceday.... Cheers
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