Do not use Keith Craft of Plano, They did my BDR turnkey and built the 306. Use Keith Craft of Arkansas if you are stuck on KC. KC of plano jerry rigged the
oil pick up screen, it sat 2" off the bottom of the pan, if I would not have caught it I would have burned up the fukkkkkkkkinnnnggg engine!!!!! The correct pick up screen was a whole 10.99 at Hi-lo, sits 1/4" off the bottom of the pan. They also forgot to drill the timing cover for the dipstick when they put the after market
oil pan on. In fact that is how I caught the screw up on the
oil pick up screen, when I removed the pan to get to do the timing cover. They also put the timing cover crank seal in backwards, used the wrong fitting on the oil pressure sending unit, I can go on and on. PM if you want more examples, i am upset now, hope you are happy LOL