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SB-100 applies to all vehicles that do not meet present emissions standards including homebuilts. Since I actually ordered my ERA prior to my temporary relocation to Maryland, I did considerable research on the registration issue thinking it would be registered there. FYI, Everybody I spoke with that had registered a cobra in CA, told me that the specially constructed and SB-100 categories are not intended for turnkeys. At least the drivetrain is supposed to be installed by someone other than the car maker which would include the new owner or a independent installer.
I don't know alot about the requirements for Ford engines in CA during the sixties, I was a Chevy man then, but between 1966 and 1970 Chevy small blocks were required to have air injection pumps and NOX reduction devices. The injection pumps pumped "fresh" air into the exhaust manifolds, and the NOX devices retarded the spark advance at higher RPMs. Be sure and check out the original smog requirements for your engine before you do anything other than SB-100.
You could check with some of the members of the Tri-counties Cobra Club, centered in the Camarillo area, for additional help. They have a very active club and plenty of experience with the CA registration issues. There are also a couple of companies in CA who can help you get the title set up correctly so you won't have to worry about having it cancelled like so many others did in the past.