rsimoes, chebbies official literature for the '07' Z06 with the Z51 performance package states the 0-60 @ 4.54 and the 1/4 mile as 12.4 at 125.7. I would say we have more than 10 cars that can best that. If the guy comes modified we still have 5 or 6 cars that are solidly in the 11s and one at 12.1

I think we had about 17 cars at the track earlier that day, when the vettes were supposed to show up and run but none did, so with 10 over 17 actually most did. (outrun the stated Z06 1/4 mile time)
We would actually like to have some results of Cobra vs Vette, but none of us are willing to go out and buy one just to find out. Sorry Fred. Don't get me wrong I like some Vettes and the Z06 is an outstanding machine. Where can you get that kind of tech and performance for less than 70k? The next closest thing is a Viper at 85k. For less than 40k I will stick with the low tech raw power of my Cobra and why?? because it's SEXY...and the chics dig it