The car is coming date yet for an engine start

....still waiting on the fellow to weld the intake system and the EM system to get here....been cutting holes....mounting stuff....I have a student from ERAU helping...he is a french kid from Guadeloupe and he is a WHIZ with fiberglass :shock: ....he fixed the hole in the trunk, that we drilled in the wrong place, an 1 1/4" hole, and it is as smooth as a babys should have seen him curled up in the trunk, he is about 6'1" and skinny

.....he had to crawl in with a flashlight and pencil to mark hinge locations, since we tried 3 times doing it the way the book says, and it would not work right.....I spoke with a SB builder in Mississippi who is GREAT for techinical assistance and she said that her husband does it that way...she also told me to use the BOOK in moderation and APPLY COMMON SENSE LIBERALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for asking................Earl