Thanks Funfer,
Tried to post photos but gave up. Will try again tonight. Forgot to mention
we moved to Colorado this last month and car is in Loveland, CO. As far as
what is needed to finish, the car is trial fit assembled and would recommend
disassembly for paint and body work. Engine is dry and has Eastwood descecant
storage plugs subbing for sparkplugs to keep it dry. Included is an extra set of
engine gaskets if buyer wanted to reassemble for peace of mind. Needs to be
finished wired, hydraulics bled, all lubricants installed including remote
oil cooler.
The Griffin radiator is out for install of Cooling Components puller fan and shroud
and needs to be reinstalled with fitted radiator hoses (ss). Probably a good months
work and should be ready for the road (without paint).
Bob T.