Anyone experience a fuel-feel problem such as this? While running with both pumps switched on, fuel will be drawn from the right tank only. When I noticed the right gauge indicated 1/4 and the left at over 3/4, I shut off the right pump. It wasn't long after that the engine began to stumble, so I switched on the right pump and the engine came back to lift. Evidently, fuel wasn't being drawn from the left tank.
I stopped at the first gas station and filled both tanks. The right took 7.1 gal. and the left 2.1 gal. I restarted on the left tank--right pump off--and drove another 20 miles to home! No further problems. I have had fuel starvation occur when running on the left pump only with plenty of fuel in the tank. Anyone have a clue as to the problem?
Fuel is feed from the pumps through check valves, to a T, then to the carburetor. Only thing I can attribute the fuel-starvation problem to is an intermittent inoperative left pump.
I would appreciate any suggestions.