Wholeheartly agree with Morris on the temps..........when I was still using conventional 15/40
oil, my
oil temp would peg my 240 degree gauge in 3 laps......tried 3 different coolers with about the same results, switched to
synthetic oil and my oil temp has not gone past 230 now, even on a 100 degree day...........water temp stays bewteen 180 and 190..........
also noticed that anything past 230 oil temp, I would lose about 10 psi of oil pressure..........
The temps Morris quoted are the standard by which the NASCAR boys like to run, they run those temps for 500 miles at a time.........
One fellow racer told me he likes to see his oil temp anyhwere from 250 to 270

, he still can't figure out why he blows a couple of engines every year!!!!!!!!!