If you do decide to go TT, I'd recommend finding a very vintage-incorrect car with lots of fender well room. One of the 96" wheel base cars would be easier as well; more room.
And, if you do go single turbo, there's no reason you couldn't do side pipes...you'd just split the exhaust. You wouldn't need mufflers.
Another idea I thought about on my car when I was considering TT's is to mount the turbos externally and low. Basically, you'd build headers that would terminate at a turbo flange in the typical location where the side pipe exits the body. Put a filter on the turbo, coat the hot side, polish the cold side, and build the side pipe such that it bolts right to the turbo. The reason I abandoned this is the difficulty in returning the
oil to the pan, and the potential for damage from road debris. As far as cosmetics, I think it'd look incredible if done right...but very vintage incorrect, of course. You'd have to have an electric scavange pump for the
oil return. I don't think this is a show stopper...just ads complication. The road debris issue would be an issue potentially...you'd have to inspect the filters frequently.
As far as rejecting the centrifugal supercharger approach due to it not having explosive acceleration...think through that one again. My supercharger is running an 80/30 cog with a blow-off valve set to 10psi that operates much like a turbo wastegate allowing me to limit boost. Judging by the boost curve I've seen at low RPM, it's going to easily hit 10psi before 3200rpm at WOT. I can't discover this on the street...already too sideways by 3 or 4 psi. As-is, the tires disconnect from the pavement in 3rd gear at a 30mph roll as soon as you reach approximately 1/3rd throttle and 3psi of boost with only a tiny 435 CI 385 series Ford in a 3000lb car. More power than you can possibly use, and the power comes on WAY too fast for control/comfort. In fact, after I get my dyno number I'll be turning DOWN the power significantly with a pulley change...it's too hard to drive as-is, even after changing the throttle to have a full 6" of pedal travel!