I tried to order one from Griots Garage, who contracts with Calif Car Cover to have them made.
The problem is they WON'T make you one based on specifications from ANY other replica as they say the differences are to wide spread. They do have a point in that regard. Replicas are all over the map as to size and dimensions. I settled for one that is WAY to big. It covers the car, TOTALLY, even lays on the ground all around it, nice coverage, but kind of a pain in the butt because it's not a 'snug' fit.
They did send me a 'custom cover' sheet to fill in. I read the instructions and my eyes glazed over. A TON of measurements, then add up certain key measurments and that number must agree with some other number. If it doesn't, you have to start over!
Jeffko, your my hero for actually filling out THAT form!
I'd measure twice, make the cut, and it would STILL be to short...