same pin failure was the slip fit ACCEL. I called their tech line and they said "ya must have a high vol
oil pump and a 1/8 inch pin , drill it out and go to a 3/16th inch" ...duh...So , instead, I switched to a MSD distributor with a press fit . Fixed the Accel and carry that as a spare in case the MSD fails - so far with about 3,000 mi on MSD all is ok. It was obvious the Accel folks were having some failures with the smaller pin, and in fact, he inferred the thicker 3/16 inch pin is now on their Distributors, but not sure about that.
On my older 392 Ford Racing Crate, the Accel was the standard distrib. A coupe of years ago they switched to MSD as their standard 392 crate distributor . A message there methinks.
Bottom line, both brands report failures, so what ya gonna do ? carry a spare as insurance I guess, like I do for my fuel pump - went thru 3 Holley Blues so now a Carter pump . Breakdowns many times happen near a mechanic shop if ya need em, but never seem to happen near a parts store that carries what ya need . Wonder what part I will need next as a spare candidate . Bill