I remember once when I was a kid, my Mom put a Golden Retriever puppy in a bathroom while she did some housework. We didn't have a crate like the one in your pic yet. She figured that even if he made a "mess", it would be easy to clean up what with a vinyl floor in there.
To make a long story short, he didn't leave a "mess", but he did just about totally strip the top layer of vinyl off most of the floor though. Apparently, he thought he could tunnel out like in the movie "The Great escape". She must have looked like this
when she opened the door to let him out. My Mom was NOT pleased.
We had that dog for another 14 years. One of the best dogs we ever had, other than the infamous "Bathroom Incident". Looking back, we were very lucky that he didn't try to eat any of the flooring he dug up.
Give your little guy another chance. I'm sure that he will pay you back many times by just being so glad to see you when you get home from a tough day at work.