I'm back in the drivers seat! Problem solved, with the exception of a nail I discovered in my front left, which will get fixed tomorrow.
For what it is worth - here is a post I put on the Unique forum outlining what occurred:
I don't know if any of you have experienced what happened to me, but I would highly recommend you use safety wire on the bolts that hold the backplate in place that the front calipers bolt to - it mounts to the spindle assembly.
Recently on a drive in the foothills I heard a chirping sound in the front left wheel when applying the brakes. Upon further inspection I discovered that two of the three bolts that hold the backplate in place had back out and were rubbing on the backside of the rotor. Fortunately, I discovered this before any serious damage was done. The bolts have holes for safety wire, which is now in place. I also used safety wire on the two bolts that hold the caliper to the backplate.
In order to perform this task, it is necessary to remove the calipers and rotors - about an hour for the both sides. When removing the grease cap beware (Wilwood) - it is threaded (Thanks Tony!!!) and comes off counter clockwise very easily once you know it is threaded