Gday Dave,
The minor Gauges are smiths. Bit of a long story, but I was gifted one gauge ("classic" smiths range), and then over the last 12 months of searching on ebay managed to procure the others. Im thinking of ditching the clock and putting in an
oil temp gauge, as I think this might be more important then the time! The speedo and taco are a different story. They are actually VDO refaced as smiths. Howards instruments in Victoria do them - Bernie has a full set like this from them, and they are great to deal with. Not a perfect match for the real smiths ones, but close enough for me. If I was to do it again Id just get them all through Howards. They take the standard cockpit vision which a lot of guys use, put the chrome ring and reface them.
Mark - As god is my witness, by the next B club meeting, you will have a handbrake handle just "like" that one (Actually - it is that one, Im going to make another that matches my indicator stalk a bit better). I will polish her up for you though! (Dont complain - I work bloody cheap
Steve - Hopefully it will hold up OK. The body filler itself is prob only 3-4 mm thick I guess. I tried to fibreglass up as close to the finished level as I could. Time will tell!