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Old 10-18-2006, 05:48 PM
Mrs 66 Snake Mrs 66 Snake is offline
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Default Do I have to start spankings now??

I warned y'all to play nice. Am I going to have to pull out the paddle? Or would a whip get the point across better?

David's right, this has gotten a little too over the top and egos are colliding.

Perhaps we should institute the "Coke" rule that I've seen on another forum. If something riles you up and you are about to post something on a tanget, perhaps you should take the time to drink a Coke (or Jack and Coke, or Rum and Coke, etc) before you hit the post key. If after you look back at your post, even you feel like it was too harsh, too angy or just too asshol-ish, then perhaps you should hit delete instead.

The unfortunate thing about the internet is that once you post something it's generally there for eternity and you can't take it back. (Well, unless we lose the CC server again, but that's a different story). Do we really want such animosity to be the over-riding communication style of the TCC? I think not.

(TCC member WITH a car - Thanks Matt! Who knew I was a proud owner when I left for work this morning??)
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