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Old 10-21-2006, 10:02 PM
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BT SNAKE BT SNAKE is offline
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I have driven both left and right hand drive. To me it just plain feels weird when you are on the track with a rhd car. I just couldn't get used to it. Your mind wants to go one way into a corner and the feeling of being on the other side really throws you off for a second. You can learn to get used to it but why change what you already know how to do well from the left side.
Another thing is safety. When you pass a truck in a RHD once. That will make your decision real easy. Been there, done that, and hated it.
Ron is correct did answer your own question. Besides you had a hard enough time staying on the track at R&G so why make it harder..

Let me know if I can help when you get your new toy.

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