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Red Barchetta is right: Yes, that's probably unreasonable, for several reasons, some of which have been outlined above.
You may locate such a car in your price range and then find you have to put more money into it to correct some problems or make upgrades. Or, after further research, you may decide some of your criteria aren't as important as you first thought and your money could have been better spent on other options.
Right now you're looking at a buyer's market so don't be in a hurry. Studying the cars for sale on CC and Cobra Country will give you a feeling for how much car goes for how much money. Order Curt Scott's book: "The Complete Guide to Cobra Replicas". Study that. Then ask yourself whether you REALLY want the sideoiler, the toploader and the 9" solid rear. You can have a lot of Cobra fun with $35-40K without having to include those items and you just MAY decide one or more of them is something you don't want, after all. Check the threads regarding tops to help you decide how important a top is (very important to me but not to everyone).
You're looking in the right place. You need to establish your priorities, look at lots of cars and ask lots of questions. Plenty of people will be eager to make decisions for you, if you're willing to let them spend your money. The information's all here but it's up to you to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Good luck.