Just wait. Thinning your hair will cause it to all vanish. That is what started my baldness. The hair thinks you don't want it so it goes away. If you will have it thinned once a week I will pay for it.
Great pictures as usual. When I went to Sears all I had was an empty parking lot with Sears in the background. I don't see how that store can stay open much longer as they hardly ever have more than a few cars in that huge lot now and before Walmarts and the others moved in you had trouble finding a place top park. Hate to see them go as I like their tools and other things.
I quit reading the controversial threads weeks ago. If some of them don't like this country then let them leave and go live with their Arab friends. No reason to read more as it is the same old B.S. over and over with certain opinions never changing no matter what the circumstances.