Nice to have tricity, eh? Kids are great in my neighborhood. I live on a dead end street on a peninsula. Crime is virtually non-existent.
Every Halloween, I get big candy bars and put out about 30 of them on the front porch chair. I just leave the door open and the kids take a bar. I'm sure that some kids take more than one, but so what.
About 40 kids showed up this year which is normal. Nothing compared to 50 years ago. I remember when I was a kid going trick or treating with my older sisters. I used to fill up at least one shopping bag. Then we had to dump everything on the living room rug and our mother went through everything and threw away anything that was not wrapped. I usually had enough candy to last until Xmas (of course, my mother had the keys to the candy bin).
What's wrong with Xmas decorations? I have friends that never take them down!
Here is my favorite Xmas light decorations ... some guy in Ohio