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Old 10-31-2006, 11:39 PM
gary osborne gary osborne is offline
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Location: Houston, TX
Cobra Make, Engine: Superformance 514 ci
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Geez....let's just Shut Down Club Cobra.....I mean what is the purpose of having a web site like this anymore? You can't even ask a simple question and get a simple answer...not even on a special spot on the site like this Superformance forum. Apparently the "secret society" has cornered the market on intelligent answers to simple questions.....and have done so to the point that the secret club outsiders don't even ASK THE FREAKIN' QUESTIONS anymore. They just sit and whine and cry and complain about those who ventured out early, spent endless amounts of time building bonds and relationships and trust among their group and became like brothers and then decided to stamp all of their information as Top Secret and keep it from the poor newbies who don't understand the intricacies of a car they don't even have yet.

You would think that with this SPF area so generously supplied by Brent here on CC, anyone with any make of car could peek in and ask any question and after weeding through a few mindless retorts and jokes, ultimately gain answers from well meaning fellow Cobraphiles who offer up sincere opinions about the legitimate question. But since that is apparantly not the case, then why have a Cobra Forum except perhaps for the lone purpose of those who feel they have a "right" to access to private organizations or third parties privately created shop manuals and the like.

Then again, perhaps it just seems that way because one or two people who have personal agendas would rather attack a whole lot of fine people who they don't know about activities they don't understand for no other reason than to satisfy their own petty need to be heard......or was that me that just did that??????....LOL
Uncle Fester - Yes I REALLY did say that
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